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  • Added 15 May 2006
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Contemplation-(Kamome-The Gull)

Mother says to her two boys, "Go home." and the her sons says to her, "Mother,this is our home... sorry I have not really understood how you were missing your home... go home, mother... where you want to be..." This men, the mask, was beyond the norm... every slightest change in the angle of the mask reviled different emotions of the ghost..... an old Noh dance incorporated with the new... in this case, the English language and the mix of cultures... "not Japanese, not Canadian" form people who had to go into internment during the war... I can relate to this from the opposite side growing up in Japan and not quite fitting in... The ghost(mother) floated until she realized that her boys had her new home different from hers... and she always wanted to go home, believing that her boys belonged at her home... and the "HOME" changed like the wave of the ocean... It was the moment of her realization/contemplation that caught my attention.... she went silent and stood there for a moment with the blank look before she disappeared.... Inspired by the NOH Play I went to see last week. "The Gull" http://www.pangaea-arts.com/ Soft pastel with digital presentation (12" x 16") PS- I am sorry about the earlier poor English spellings and grammar...oops

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Kwabena Poku 03 Sep 2006

Creally cool. Very expressive

rb chakravartty 29 Aug 2006

WOnderful work!

K L Marsala 09 Jun 2006

such gentle detail and passionate expression done simply. i love this work and the test wow

Caesare Borgia 23 May 2006

very strong work ..koool :D

Thomas Broadfoot 19 May 2006
