• Jenny Peers
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  • Added 11 Mar 2006
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Fox Totem Card

Once I had completed my Unit 1 Graphics, I swore that I would never paint a fox for a very long time. A month after I had submitted my Graphics work I joined the Pathfinders- Animal Totem Deck project and one of the cards I was given was the fox card. I have been putting it off for a whiel but decided today that I should get it out of the way while I can still remember how to draw foxes lol. So here it is. I am happy with parts of it, I guess I will just have to keep adding things to it and see what happens. If anyone has some advice or recomendations please dont be shy and let me know what you think. Acrylic paint on board. It was so hard to avoid the textured board that I am used too lol.


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Joanne Woolley 18 May 2006

The eyes are intense and alive, the colours just right and I love the texture you created, dont avoid something youre obviously good at is my advice. Great work!

Artist Reply: Thank you Joanne =)

Christina Langman 14 Mar 2006

This is wonderful! I don't know why you would put off painting a fox! (I personally have been looking for a good picture to use to do one myself!) This is great - lovely style.

Artist Reply: Thanks Christina. Well whn I had to paint foxes for my Graphics work, I found it really hard to get the colours right. Either cam eout too red or too orange. But I must say that this one came out OK. Its strange how things work out after the deadlines. ¬_¬

Hanna Stawska 11 Mar 2006

Beautiful fox!

Artist Reply: Thank you very much =)

thea walstra 11 Mar 2006

Excellent work

Artist Reply: Thank you very much =)