I didn't know how long of a walk it was gonna be when I began my adventure on "The Road Less Traveled" or if I was ever going to get a lift or even if I knew where I would end up.I had been walking for what seems hours without a single car going by in either direction.In fact I hadn't seen anyone in their backyards or even out and about either.Someone advised me to follow the road less traveled and see where it took me.I was on vacation had a few bucks on me and almost $58.00 available on one of my credit cards and thought "It's time for an adventure" I don't know where I'm going but I know where I've been.
B.A. Davison 07 Jul 2014
SuperbMaddison Jamison 21 Mar 2006
Like the story and the feel this image portrays in relation to your story. Reminds me of Virginia where I was born.Loredana 22 Feb 2006
Nice work LennyLinda Bertiaux 21 Feb 2006
excellent work! Great composition.