• Eri Ryuushinka
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  • Image 22 of 36
  • Added 21 Dec 2005
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Sibaaq Saree'harr - My Ruined Wings

All right - I sketched this up about half an hour ago... (I'm actually pleased with it... it's a miracle...) I don't know how real and bloody the wings look, so someone tell me... (his right wing has a cloak over it, if you're wondering why it looks different than the other...) An angel who is ashamed to show his face...


Anonymous Guest

abby fox 03 Mar 2006

your pictures are certainly very interesting

Ashley Slice 21 Dec 2005

It makes me very upset to see that some people are so uptight about art and unless it's a particular style don't like it. Art is what makes the artist happy - not how it pleases others. And it's rude and very inappropriate for someone to call something meaningless in someone elses art. Eri: For a Sketch this is lovely and I absolutely adore it. Keep on going hun. You'll be one of the best some day. I like how you try different things and push yourself. It's the only way you get better. My suggesstions are as previous others: Smudging works wonders. ^_~ Also, Cloth and folds are hard things to master. Perhaps studying how cloth drapes over other things in your house (ie: a chair, or pillow) will help you next time ^_~

Artist Reply: Thanks, Ashley-dono! I'm glad you see so much promise in me! I tried to smudge this time... (it doesn't work when you're doing it in chemistry class and don't have anything to smudge with... >.>U) Thanks for the suggestion for cloth - I'll do that next time! ^_^ And thanks for supporting my style - I know it's abstract and not as 'anime-esque' as many others... I'm glad you don't care. ^_^ Merry Christmas to you and all that visit this pic!

Emily Reed 21 Dec 2005

Very elegant!

Artist Reply: Arigatou gozaimashita! ^_^

beverly hills 21 Dec 2005

im sorry, but what the crap is that supposed to be. it looks kinda like .... cloth. and there all these meaningless spikey-lookin things. meaningless....

Artist Reply: Wow. Seeing as I said in my author's note there was a cloth, I'm amazed you actually noticed. And since you don't seem to like anything I do and you don't like my style, just stop commenting. It saves your time and mine. Just because you're feeling like crap doesn't mean you can use me to pick on.