• Joel Yoder
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  • Image 28 of 51
  • Added 19 Nov 2005
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Freaky Fairy...

This is a pic I drew cuz uh... I felt like it. My brain is fried and I can't think, this pic is for Daphne... cuz Daphne is awesome... I think thats...it... oh yes... this pic proves I can draw NATURE!!! ok, just a quote. oh and my scanner was thrown away by my parents... so accept this terrible pic... oh and I HATE FAIRIES... sept tinkerbell of course... and a few others... oh and the real title of this pic is "Fairies Think Happy Thoughts... and They Wear boots."


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Kelsey Connolly 25 Jan 2006

Pretty! I love the variety of leaves, it's very peaceful.

Melissa Martinez 20 Jan 2006

I like this piece. Maybe with some more depth using deep dark colors it would bring out some more parts of the image. Overall very nice fairy.

Anonymous Guest 27 Nov 2005

I like the way you used green effectively in this. However, I feel like something is missing in the eyes and mouth that isn't conveyed in the body pose. Maybe I just want to see more eyelash in front of the eye. ;) Also, should she be wearing boots if she's sleeping? That's what threw me off originally and made me think she didn't have eyes instead of just sleeping. The boots are definitely a focal point for this piece...do you want that? I'm not sure. Again, I think that's what threw me off. But, I still really like it...but just some food for thought. Good job!