• Lorin Tootill
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  • Added 10 Nov 2005
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Old Time Engine

(c)2005 Autistic artist, L.Tootill's first painting. He has always been a model train enthusiast and made a lot of train and "trainscape" style paintings in the begging. This one is 8x10" done in acrylics.


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 07 May 2006

Hey Lorin I really like this picture. Afriend of mind who's husband past several years ago was also a train enthusiast and had a wonderful setup of several trains and differnet landscapes in his basement almost a magical feeling to see. I always love hearing a train whistle in the distance at night time. Well done and keep up the good work. I put your web site under my favorites. Mark Tootill, South Thomaston Maine. And Suzanne I found a Levi on the web site who was born in England in 1805 and past away in Michigan in 1884. My grandfather's name was Phillip and my father was Joel. I'm going to research further, cause recently a Judy Nash contacted me to see if we were related. She also had a great great grandfather name Levi. I would guess that we are all related in some fashion and it seems our origin is the UK area especially Lancashire. Hope to hear back. My email is [email protected] Take care

Aris Stathakis 10 Nov 2005

great work, i love this!

Ben DeBiase 10 Nov 2005

this work is fabulous! there is so much detail-the trees have a bunch of layers on them, which is very nice-I also love the bridge the train the perspective and the colors!