• aliu Mala iwa
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 16 of 19
  • Added 02 Sep 2005
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5 of 11 Comments Show All 11 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Natalie G 27 Dec 2006

Excellent work on your self portrait, Aliyu! Great talent at your age - keep up the good work :)

Emily Reed 28 Feb 2006

Just awesome!

Manuela Facchin Varalda 11 Jan 2006

This is aa sensible selfportrait, Aliyu, very expressive

Trinton Garrett 08 Jan 2006

Aliu..you are a fantastic artist...your picture looks as if you are very young (early 20's perhaps?) .. and to have such skills already..you are going to grow into one of the best artist of your time I feel.

Artist Reply: Trinton, my picture actually judged right i am just 16 April this year (April, 16 1989 my birthday).....:). thanks for the comment!

Cristina Marsi 29 Dec 2005

Excellent job :)