• Ashley Slice
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  • Image 50 of 57
  • Added 19 Jul 2005
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Who said Faeries had to be pretty? He was bugin' me until I drew him. A sweet little fae; a little slow and obsessive but...sweet nonetheless. As far as the drawing goes... I'm ok with it. I think his left hand is a bit off as well as his other. I also think the scanner messed this up and it looks better in person. I was going to save him until next month but... I was too happy with the way the shading turned out. Perhaps I can soon get some formal art training and you won't have to suffer through art like this. ^_^


Anonymous Guest

Christine brand 23 Sep 2005

Fab! Love the slender elongated limbs and buggly eyes! Neat!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you again Christine! *super hugglies* Your comments mean sooo much to me!

sam lewis 03 Aug 2005

aww i think he is so cute! I really love his face and ears! I justwanna tweak 'em! lol Any background i could think of for this would be dizzy looking bubbles and some half popped or something. I love it either way!

Artist Reply: Thanks Sam! I adored his ears the most... I hate my scanner cropped what was left of his ear off *sigh* Yeah I'll probably never post this with a background though I'll be working on it. I'm doing more realism now in the form of water color >_< I'm a glutton for punishment.

Sarina Renee 31 Jul 2005

I think he's perfect the way he is. You left it up to interpretation and your imagination. I've never seen a fairy in flesh so I couldn't tell you what they really look like anyway. I wouldn't change a thing! Great shading, and pose. Cute expression.

Artist Reply: Thank you sooo much for your comment! What you said means a lot to me! ^_^ I was rather proud of him. And Imagination is one thing I don't lack unfortunately lol. Once again thank you soooo much! *hugglies* ^_^