• Ken Charlton
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  • Image 47 of 50
  • Added 12 Apr 2005
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One for the Team

Landfall takes one for the team. Although specifically he takes one for Specimen XIIII, who he he lives with and cares for greatly. After meeting XIIII in the sewers (where he had lived for years), she was seriously injured in a resulting fight with one off the many gangs that wander Paragon City's sewer system. Landfall brought her to the surface for medical assistance and the two eventually became like brother and sister. Still, Specimen has limited experience and usually the only things that don't wake up when she shakes them have either been stuck with one of her quills or is dead and ready for eating. The guy in the back is Lord Britain, a friend of Landfall's who works with him on occasion. Being honest, Lord Britain doesn't need to be there, and his presence throws off the flow and balance of the image.

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

tim linville 12 Apr 2005

Great perspective and character work!