

Anonymous Guest

Mark Peterson 26 May 2024

You look happy and confident... very positive ~

Artist Reply: Thank you so much :) life is such a gift :) what a nice comment Mark.

Debra Kott 10 Apr 2024


Artist Reply: Thank you so much DEBRA :) I was very happy that day celebrating :)

Laura Baroudi 08 Apr 2024

What a beautiful picture of you! You look great! Love the smile!:)

Artist Reply: Thank you so much Laura :) your comment made my day :) :) :)

Thomas Curry 07 Apr 2024

what a beautiful Lady you are :)

Artist Reply: Oh Many thank’s Tom :) you are so nice.

Vernonette Gaddy 07 Apr 2024

Commendable expressive photograph of yourself Karen. The viewer immediately feeds off your positive look. :)

Artist Reply: Being positive is the key, Thank you Vernonette, you are pretty positive yourself :)