Pastel on Pastelmat card.30 x 24 cm. Depicts the harbour fishing village of Mousehole (an old smugglers cave resembles a big mouse hole), in Cornwall near Landsend, on a very stormy morning. Painted in the studio from an on-site water colour sketch that I managed despite the wind. Blocked in with Faber Castell, the used various softer sticks from Schminke, Sennelier but mainly Unison. Enquiries via Email. [email protected]
Anonymous Guest 01 Dec 2023
Many thanks for these comments, I truly appreciate them. I love the sea and Cornwall in particular. The water colour sketch that formed my refence material was done hastily in the storm so it had a lot of unintentional brish strokes. I intend to make a larger oil painting from this pastel. By the way, I find pastels excellent for rapid outdoor sketches. No need for lugging heavy kit about and it's easy to clean ones fingers after the event. Try them!Anonymous Guest 28 Nov 2023
Great energy in this one - you've really caught the atmosphere of the storm! FJoanie Holliday 19 Nov 2023