• Nira Dabush
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  • Added 15 Feb 2023
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Photos were taken: Oct 2008.
Lulilu, My cat, whom, I miss so much. (RIH). Many of my memories of him, were written in private.
I was really lucky to have Luli, in my life.(for 16.5 years) I will never forget how on the pillow, he would press his head against mine, in such a gentle way, that I didn't feel his weight at all and it didn't disturb my breathing, in the most charming and appropriate way, not at all like the way of the human (that in such case, I would not stand:-) sorry) . Face to face.
Photos below, 2005. A Long time ago.. but never forgotten.
Designs arranged by myself.
Thanks for visiting.
Enjoy the day.
Prayers for peace, with love.
Copyrights (c) Nira Dabush.

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Anonymous Guest

Vernonette Gaddy 20 Feb 2023

Beautiful, powerfully meaningful, memorable cat/pet tribute posting Nira.

Al Budarin 16 Feb 2023

I think you mentioned her before,,,she was such a loving cat,very devoted & Loyal,,,all they want from you is to be loved,to know you are there security blanket & to be fed,,best friend for there short life time,,,you have memories that will be with you a life time,,,many of us have had dogs or cats ,they were part of our family,they understand you,you understand them,there wants there needs,it's amazing the Bond we develop ,,,,,,

Artist Reply: Al.. Thank you.. He was a wonderful loving cat to me.. And all cats are part of the family.. I had before him some other wonderful cats.. That I love.. I have now a sweet cat.. But different in the charachter.. I find her clows and bites on me every day.. Which is not easy.. At my parents They have stary cats.. They fed many cats in the last 25. Or Even 30 years.. We love cats.. Some are more close and good. Thanks so much. Have a calm weekend.

Anneke Hut 16 Feb 2023

I've got the same sweet memories, he will always be missed even though I have a new cat now.

Artist Reply: Enjoy the new cat.. And remember the old one.. I also took Pitsi few years ago.. Who is different. She can be good and sweet.. But like a with.. Every day bites and her claws on me..

Nino Dobrosavljevic 16 Feb 2023

Dear Nira, a very nice and sensitive picture regarding memory for your cat. Pic of the day.

Debra Kott 15 Feb 2023

Very nice. We love our furry kids.