• Kimberly Tilley
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 409 of 660
  • Added 13 Jan 2023
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A close-up photograph of a black bird with a serious expression.


Anonymous Guest

Lucien van Oosten 07 Jan 2024

Kimberly, I think the details on the feathers, seen in this shot are excellent. I think the presentation, the composition, would have been better, stronger visually, if all of the Raven was in the frame. Thank you for sharing your work and then allowing me to comment on the photograph. Cheers, Lucien

Artist Reply: Not zooming in as I did would not have allowed for the feather detail, that you praised. I often do not photograph birds with their feet. It is their expressions that I like to capture, not foot details. I did not allow you personally to comment, it is a feature of the website for any person to do so. My photography work is not reference material, it is art. Enjoy the rest of your week, Kimberly.

Debra Kott 14 Jan 2023

Fantastic shot

Thomas Curry 14 Jan 2023

very well done !!

Joanie Holliday 13 Jan 2023