• William McAusland
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  • Image 221 of 702
  • Added 24 Jan 2022
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Pitford Street Map

Your character can buy a map of this fortified digger support town for a silver coin. It’s probably the first thing your team should do when arriving, although there is no public map for the dangerous basement level. The second map is for the game master. This concludes our look back at the interior art from the Pitford Source Book. Next we will be showing art from Muddy Mayhem, the adventure that is included with the free Quickstart Rules for The Mutant Epoch RPG. https://www.outlandarts.com/TME-Pitford.htm RPG, ttrpg, pitford, bartertown, map, cartography, mapmaker, rpg map, game map, bunker #mutantepoch #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art

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