• Roselin Estephanía
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  • Image 47 of 56
  • Added 16 Feb 2021
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Varón I

This is "Varon I", the first piece of my series "Varones" (males). In "Varones" I try to explore masculity. What makes these boys men? Do they look like men? Often, people tell me they look pretty, the pretty "girls" in these paintings. I think it's the long hair, or is it because they're "pretty"? Are men not allowed to be pretty? Does it make them less of a man? Is there something wrong with being feminine, or looking feminine? "Varon I" is happy with his feminine side, he loves it, embraces it, and never listen to whatever bad comments anyone has on what he does and how he is. He's a man, he's delicate, and he loves ever single part of it. Along with "Varon III" he wants to help "Varon II" to learn to love himself and be happy with who he is.

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Anonymous Guest

Lucia Stewart 17 Feb 2021
