• Elton Houck
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  • Added 12 Jan 2021
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“CYANIDE SOUP”© 1988, 2006, 2015, 2021 song by Elton Houck /China Co-op Music Publishing(ASCAP))…reprint from Elton Houck’s book—THE 6TH DAY—Exiled from the garden” © 2015 Elton Houck—Outskirts Press/ “CYANIDE SOUP”:…… VERSE 1:…The Bombs been dropped/The horrors already done/The fighting never stops/We’re all under the gun./….. VERSE 2:…Mushroom clouds in full bloom/Radiation shrouds, darkness at noon/Living is hell and dying is peace/Cyanide soup is sweet release./….. CHORUS:… Cyanide soup. Refill please/Cyanide soup, will end this misery/Cyanide soup, save a bowl for me/Cyanide soul, refill please./….. VERSE 3:…Cities on fire light the sky/Refugees flee from the sound/Fire from on high/And death on the ground./….. VERSE 4:…Hurry sundown and cover me/Let the enemy find me gone/If I make it through the line/Get some soup, I’ll be fine./….. VERSE 5:…Planes dropping more death/Craters erupt all around/Horrid cries and battle sounds/No resting place. No safe ground./….. REPEAT CHORUS:….///\\\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SPECIAL REVEAL--The time frame for this song is after the RAPTURE,,and GOD'S WRATH IS POURED OUT ON UNSAVED MEN -AND IT IS SO SEVERE THEY SEEK DEATH RATHER THAN THE WRATH OF GOD...BUT ALAS DEATH IS NOT IN THEIR GRASPH.... /////------------------------------------------------Note:…the artwork for “CYANIDE SOUP” is titled “Night light and neon gods”© 2006 Elton Houck…”Night light and neon gods” is mixed media…consisting of a photograph taken of me, which I color reversed and then over-painted via digital paintbrush. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Flag Counter ======

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Karen Muro Aréchiga 12 Jan 2021

My fav. I like it!

Artist Reply: THANKS KAREN...i'LL REPEAT WHAT I REPLIED TO MARIA-- keep in mind the song depicts THE GREAT TRIBULATION when God's wrath has men wanting to die rather than endure another day of Divine Justice---My aim is to warn everyone- that there is still time to accept Jesus as Savior and not have to be with the condemned who suffer God's wrath poured out in full measure.

Maria Anna Machado 12 Jan 2021


Artist Reply: I am thankful for your terrific review....just keep in mind the song depicts THE GREAT TRIBULATION when God's wrath has men wanting to die rather than endure another day of Divine Justice---My aim is to warn everyone- that there is still time to accept Jesus as Savior and not have to be with the condemned who suffer God's wrath poured out in full measure.