• Julia Stockert
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  • Added 28 Jan 2005
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Escape for Tomorrow

She was tired. Tired of running; tired of fighting; tired of hasty, tear bidden farewells to the lifeless husks of her friends and family. She would have gladly lain down and followed them all to the promised sanctuary of the afterlife if it hadnt been for a burning need to exact revenge on the enemy: An enemy which had arrived out of nowhere and razed their homes and property in the same careless manner in which it had extinguished their very lives. It was this internal cry for justice that brought the frightened young woman to her best, and last, means of escape from the devastation blanketing the area: The portal. A seldom used device built long ago by their ancestors that would instantaneously carry her away from the carnage of her beloved home world and deliver her into the safety of the Dezantan peoples; a peace loving race of humanoids residing thousands of light years away. Activating the device, she watched in awed wonder as the blue aura flickered and shimmered to form the energy charged doorway. She was but a few steps away from the promised freedom when the whirring of a high powered engine caught her attention. Turning away from the portal, the young woman was dismayed to see the outline of the metal monstrosity that would surely transform her dreams into nightmares for the remainder of her life. Like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle, she stood as if paralyzed while gazing into the bright lights mounted on the weathered hull of the enemy spacecraft. The air whipped around her slender body in response to the enemys arrival and she momentarily watched in fascinated horror as the metal craft made ready to blast her into oblivion. Just a few more steps& a few more seconds& and her fate would be decided; a fate that would see her escaping through the portal or being killed where she stood. Either way, Jenzia instinctively knew it would be the longest seconds of her young life. _______ Rendered in Poser 5 and postworked in Photoshop CS. Clothing textures are from a new pack I just released at Renderosity. Thanks for looking!


Anonymous Guest

Scott 30 Aug 2005

Stunning, utterly stunning...

Ralph Miller 10 Aug 2005

Awsume Julia, love the long hair, and the models expression is great, a humble bow to a Master.

Dave C 03 Feb 2005

Nice Concept!!

T.D. Ruley 29 Jan 2005

this is very cool...kinda' reminds me of my work, only totally different portal. AWESOME

chris ganaway 28 Jan 2005

a little stargate sg1...