• Chas Sinklier
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  • Image 71 of 279
  • Added 10 Feb 2019
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Midnight Swim Draws a Crowd

A Midnight Swim Draws a Crowd in this painting by Chas Sinklier aka VivaChas! Do you swim alone at night? All alone in a cool swimming pool on a sultry evening can ease the heat. But who’s watching? Dare you close your eyes? Ears beneath the water decreases your senses by two. You become aware of a strange smell even the chlorine in the pool can’t mask. What is that evil smell in the air? Why it’s fish! Rotting Fish, the Penguins are back and they’ve brought a crowd with them. Muscles tighten as dread comes with the first splash! Some visitors just don’t know when to leave!! ~;0) VivaChas!


Anonymous Guest

James Mann 15 Feb 2019

a ha... a consequential twist to the evening dip... should probably have eased up on those fish oil pills years ago...

Artist Reply: one herring two years ago and they won't leave - we're getting used to the smell of smelt - that's one good thing about their visits! ~;0) VivaChas!

Vernonette Gaddy 11 Feb 2019

Marvelous artwork Chas.

Artist Reply: Thank You! - Could be the beginning of a new series! ~;0) VivaChas!