• Adelle John
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  • Image 22 of 182
  • Added 28 Apr 2017
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Cast Your Sins Upon the Water--Almost Finished

The Lady who wanted this decided she wanted a different painting of mine so this one will be availabe after it is finished...I slowed down to a crawl on working on this after I knew that but I do want to get it finished...I thought I would show it now and maybe get inspired to finish it this afternoon when I get back from shopping...sometimes showing your work is enough to get you started back up on it. I added texture to the trees and mountain and it looks really nice the trees were still drying when i shot this so showed white where the gel was thicker but it has become transperant now and I will be adding a bit more paint to it anyway....I love working with gels :) took out lady beside older man she was too large...

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Sharon De Vore 28 Apr 2017


Artist Reply: thank you Sharon...I have gotten a lot more than this done now but I dont feel up to taking a pic atm, I had to help my caregiver lift my wheelchair into her van and I strained my shoulder and it is hurting really bad now...so just sitting down resting...lucking was my left shoulder so I can still paint if I want to later. I have rotator cup tear in both shoulders from falls and when the right side acts up I cant paint or even use my computer....I need to be more careful this will probably aggravate me all weekend. Hopefully get back to it Sunday will take Shabbat off.