• stephen vattimo
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  • Added 23 Apr 2015
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A Boy's Lunch Feeds Five Thousand People

Medium : Pen And Ink on Sketchbook paper Subject: Illustration of Basket with Fish and Bread Size: 11" x 14" Date created: 4/23/15 This is a preliminary study of a first century Galilean peasant boy's lunch. This study is for an upcoming painting I am planning on doing about the life of Christ. In the Bible in the book of The Gospel of John ( John 6:1-14 ) we have an event where a crowd of 5000 people come to listen to the teachings of Jesus. It is approaching the evening and one of Jesus's apostles suggest that Jesus should send the crowd away to the nearby towns to obtain food for themselves. Jesus tell his apostles they should provide food for the crowd. One of the apostles brings to Jesus a boy lunch of two fish and five loafs of bread. Jesus instructs the apostles to have the crowd sit on the grass in groups of 50. Jesus offer the lunch up to God and pray over it and gives God thanks and then give it to his apostles to hand out to the crowd. After everyone ate there was 12 baskets full of leftovers gathered up. Written by Stephen J. Vattimo April 23, 2015

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