• Katerina Koukiotis
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  • Added 17 Aug 2013
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Dance of the Swan

"Dance of the Swan"
8.5 x 11 (27.9 cm x21.6cm) Color pencils, pastels, 2013

Part of my ballerina/swan lake story series inspired by Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake.

I had this idea to draw this for the last 2 years ever since we had the EV theme "Ruby Slipper" and kept putting it off but lately have been having strange dreams about feathers, white, black all kinds of feathers small, big, dont know the meaning of it.. and thought maybe something was trying to tell me to do this, timing was perfect too reminded me of something i have to finish something i promised to do last year .
Artwise really gave me a hard time all the folds and highlights really hard and time consuming , i was glad i finished it .Many thanks to my beautiful friend miranda rose from DA for the beautiful ballet stock (felt bad couldn't draw all of her ) Thank you so much for viewing, commenting on my art always feel free to share my art thank YOU

Originals, prints on my website http://www.katerinaart.com/


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Teresa Dominici 27 Aug 2013

Fantastic, Katerina!

Elizabeth Lindberg 19 Aug 2013

I LOVE this!!!!!!!! What absolutely wonderful work!!!!!!!

Ruth Kauffman 18 Aug 2013

All your hard work paid off, Katerina!! This is masterfully done as is all of your work!!

John Cappello 17 Aug 2013

Quite Lovely , Beautiful Work