• Ron Atkin
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  • Image 371 of 566
  • Added 14 Jun 2013
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AGATHA/. (ag'ethe) from the Greek meaning 'good woman', the name of a 3rd century martyr and saint. The name was popular during the Middle Ages in various forms, including the French Agace and the Latin Agacia, but it is now rather rare. The short form is Aggie................................Please look at this picture carefully... it will be like holding a mirror up to yourself. As you may remember, you are an androgynous being walking the planet as either male or female. When you came through the womb a division had to take place so that you could take on either a male or female aspect. Immediately you come into the conception you must become either a male or female because that is how this particular sphere works. The trick is to live on it as if you are united. That is what this painting is about...to find your other half in CONSCIOUSNESS. Once you can sense that it will massively change your soul so that your incarnations become reduced. Coming into the opposites on the earth plane, though stressful to the soul, it is essential for it to recognise that at last it is on its way home.

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