• Ron Atkin
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  • Added 13 May 2013
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THESE DOCKS HAVE A CONSCIOUSNESS...YOU CAN SEE THEY ARE SCREEMING WITH PAIN...NEXT TIME YOU CUT YOUR LAWN, BE LIKE THE NATIVE AMERICAN, TELL IT YOU HAVE TO CUT IT, AND GIVE IT TIME TO PREPARE FOR THE SHARP BLADES! Almost 100% of the UKs meadows have had the wild flowers eradicated. These herbs were there for a purpose, to give the animals nutrients that man cannot give them. We then in our food also receive these nutrients in homeopathic quantities. Man is getting too clever for the boots he wears, he could very easily turn this beautiful planet into another Mars! ............................Our garden of 2 acres is called wildflower studios, the next door field had to have a new higher fence added, to prevent the cattle from eating a certain bush, and smashing the fence to consume it all.....or did they also smell the wildflowers?....................... Bhutan To Be First Country to Go 100% Organic...................... Anthony Gucciardi,................... “If there was ever a nation that could see the purpose behind organic, sustainable farming, it would be a nation that is composed mostly of farmers. Such a place does exist, and it soon may be the first nation to go 100% organic, paving the way for others to do the same on a global scale................ The Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan is known for a high level of citizen happiness, but it is doing something even more noteworthy in the near future. With Prime Minister Jigmi Thinley making a major announcement regarding the organic farming project at the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development which took place last month, the move has madenational headlines. It’s called the National Organic Policy, and it is fueled by the simple concept that working ‘in harmony with nature’ will yield the most powerful results — all without sacrificing human health or the environment. What this comes down to is no GMO, no pesticides, no herbicides, no fluoride-based spray products, no Monsanto intrusion at all, and a whole lot of high quality food available for the 700,000 citizens of Bhutan. Food that, at one time, was simply called ‘food’. In the statement to other policy makers, Prime Minister Jigmi Thinley explained the move:....................... “By working in harmony with nature, they can help sustain the flow of nature’s bounties.” Bhutan’s land currently supplys most corn, rice, fruits, and some vegetables, and it is perfectly positioned to begin developing 100% organic farming. In addition to containing a population that is mostly farmers, it also has extremely rich lands that are truly beyond what many consider organic................ Some lands in Bhutan have not even been touched with harsh chemicals of any kind, and traditional techniques are utilized to produce high yields without Monsanto dipping into the pockets of family farmers. This is in sharp contrast to India’s farming community, which has been shafted by Monsanto and subsequently nicknamed the ‘suicide belt‘ due to the rampant suicides that can be blamed in part by Monsanto-induced financial ruin.”............................ The planet has to go not only organic, but Bio- Dynamic. Then your food would be truly in harmony with the universe. For example forty cows horns filled with cow manure and buried for one year, is sufficient to spray on 500 acres twice a year. ................THE TEXT BELOW RE: DOCK SPRAYED WITH KILLER SPRAY IS FROM DONALD LAW'S BOOK 'The Concise Herbal Encyclopedia.


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 13 May 2013

Nature is amazing Ron - always way ahead of mankind if only mankind would take time to know and acknowledge it. Thank u for yet another thought- provoking and inspiring post. XM

Anonymous Guest 13 May 2013

Thank you for drawing attention to this. Plants, even stones have a consciousness and mankind, believing that they have 'dominion' over everything, stomp around crushing everything in sight. Dominion, contrary to what the bible states, means for humankind to have dominion over itself, but the animal part of man's nature.