• Farkas Peter
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  • Image 6 of 43
  • Added 07 Mar 2013
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Bowl of water

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 30 Nov 2013

In one sense I agree: a survey this ifrnomal and this off-the-cuff probably doesn't really stand up to a detailed analysis of sample size and such. On the other hand, I think that precisely for that reason it helps to mention that beyond the top 10 or so, the number of votes per blog is so small as to not be statistically significant.I linked to the original survey and I did quite well (for me, at least). It's hard to say if I hadn't linked if anyone would have remembered to vote for me. Or even how many of Farkas's regular readers are regular readers of CoaSL. I'm not sure how much our readerships overlap even though hers is probably orders of magnitude larger.Three votes could easily be my mother, sister and wife (although I'm 99% sure none of them voted ;-).