• Ron Atkin
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  • Added 11 Feb 2013
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Realize your full potential and become a shepherd of humanity…………….. Do you have a desire to SEE beyond the physical 3 dimensional world? Since 1968 I have been traveling through innerdimensional space. Using a person’s name I can, without landing on it, 'visit' their soul sphere, or what I call their 'soulscape'. Here, I can diagnose their soul age and their spiritual progress in this incarnation………………… Click on the eye to go into another dimension Join Me in This New Space of Innerdimensional Consciousness………………. This CRYSTAL, which looks like a mountain range, represents the first Radio waves in the 20th Century. The sun shows its ‘frequency lines.’……………………….. “Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” --Albert Einstein ........................... Seventy years ago when I was a child, my father made his own radio using a cat's whisker and a crystal set. One day he showed me how he had first made contact with this new dimension through sound…………. Using head phones I was allowed to try and find a frequency where I could pick up the station that was being broadcast. Gently adjusting the whisker I found just the RIGHT peek on the crystal……………… As you can see in the picture above, the galena (crystal) looks like a mountain range, and like your mobile phone today, you cannot get a connection if you are in a valley…………… Using my father’s cat’s whisker and crystal radio set is what Einstein had talked about when he said, “Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality………………….. This is exactly the same with the soul’s journey through thousands of years of incarnations. You must learn how to rise up and seek the higher ground. You must also learn how to hold this new energy, or new dimension so that you DO NOT fall into a low vibration………………….. Everyone has two physical eyes and one 'ALL SEEING EYE' called the optic thalamus. The establishment, and in particular religions, will tell you that only God has the all seeing eye……………. Over thousands of years humanity has misunderstood this. I encourage everyone, regardless of belief system or origin to read Genesis 1. 26: "And God said, Let US make man in OUR image" to better understand this gross misconception…………….or CON. Join 'The All Seeing Society' Today The society’s domain name allseeing-ra-eye.com has been designed so that you can make your own web by removing ra and adding your own initials. ………………. If you would like to see more pages like this one you can e-Mail me to register at: …………………….. Before I depart from the earth I would like to see billions of souls using their own www.allseeing-you-eye.com

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