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McMichael Gallery En Plein Air


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Anonymous Guest 24 Dec 2015

Disa mendimet edhe pyejett ne shqip:a.Shqiptaret thene sofistikojne shume per te gjetur nje mbeshtetese etnike vertete dhe per te justifikuar genjeshtarisht ne bote totalisht ekzistencen kompakte shteterore sot ku ky shtet artificial,ku ky shtet me nje popullsi e osmanizuar e otomanizuar (do te flasja me mire ketu per te biseduar duhurisht 'jenicarizuar Sqipetaro-Turket')eshte krijuar.ß.Pse nacionalizem e Shqiptareve te sotme eshte si racist per Greket dhe Greqia??.Pse flamuri zyrtar shqiptar tregon nje shqiponje bizantin?Per te krijuar dicka per vetat?Cfare lidhje ka tani Shqiperia me Bizanti i cili ishte nje perandoria plotesisht greke si dhe gurat te gjithe mesojne dhe nje Zot ia e di se Greket proverbialisht thone,nuk mund e vertet te kuptuar..?eta???tt?s??e????? s???e?? ?a??? ?a? e??t?µata sta a?ßa????:a.?? ?e??µe??? S??pet???? s?f?ste???? p??? ??a ?a ß???? ??a a?????? e????? ??e?sµa ?a? ??a ?a d??a??????s??? ?e?d?? st?? ??sµ? s??????? t? s?µpa?? ??at??? ?pa??? s?µe?a,?p?? a?t? t? te???t? ???t??,?p?? a?t? t? ???t?? µe ??a? e??s?aµ?sµ??? ?a? e????µa??sµ??? p????sµ? (?a ??e?a ?a??te?a ed? ??a ?a ?µ????µe a????t? '?e??tsa??p???µ??? ?????a?ßa????') d?µ?????????e.ß.G?at? ? e?????sµ?? t?? s?µe????? S??pet???? e??a? t?s? ?ats?st???? ??a t??? ?????e? ?a? t?? ????da;?.G?at? ? ep?s?µ? a?ßa???? s?µa?a de???e? ??a? ß??a?t??? aet?;G?a ?a d?µ??????s? ??t? ??a t??? ?d????;?? s??s? ??e? t??a ? S??pe??a µe t? ?????t??,t? ?p??? ?ta? µ?a p????? e??????? ??t???at???a,?p?? ?a? ???? a?e?a???t?? ?? t????? d?d?s???? ?a? ??a? Te?? '???e?,?p?? ???e pa???µ??d?? ?? ?????e?,de? 'µp??? a?????? ?a ?ata??ß?.. d.Ndoshta,ose nuk ka aspak Shqiperi ose n e,Greket mendojme si shume genjeshterat qe duhet te hyjme edhe ne burgu nderkaq per te ju kenaqur mjaftueshem!!Budallat!e.Shqiptar tregon nje pamje dhe nje zemer vjedhes historikisht e nuk mund te kalon dobesia etnike e vetes edhe menyra me cila jetonte nga fillimi e historise..st.Asnje nderim ne dikush,ne kushdo qe nuk respekton provokuesisht atdheu im,Hellas..?.Shqiperia e sotme eshte nje fashist e jenicareve shteti i ri..?.Te gjithe Shqiptaret te sotme perpiqen te gjejne historia dhe nuk mundojne fundimisht te gjetur.Duan te ekzistuar ne historia por kjo u pergenjeshtron kategorikisht.Atehere,nga kjo vertetesia krijojne vetem nje historia genjeshtra per te mundur natyrisht te ekzistuar..dhe jetuar....?eta???tt?s?d.?s??,e?te de? ?p???e? ??d???? S??pe??a e?te e µ e ? ?,?? ?????e? s?eft?µaste t?s? p???? ?e?d? p?? p??pe? ?a 'µp??µe ?a? st? f??a?? a??µ? st? µeta?? ??a ?a sa? ??a??p???s??µe epa????!!????e?!e.? S??ppet????? de???e? µ?a ??? ?a? µ?a ?a?d?? '??p?d?t?' ?st????? ?a? de? 'µp??e? ?a de?t? t?? e????? ?a?e??a t?? ea?t?? t?? ?a??? ep?s?? ?a? t?? t??p? µe t?? ?p??? ???se ap? t?? apa??? t?? ?st???a?..st.?aµ?a ?p????? se ??p????,st?? ?p????d?p?te p?? de? s?ßeta? p?????t??? t?? ?at??da µ??,t?? ????da..?.? s?µe???? S??pe??a e??a? ??a ??? fas?st??? ?e??tsa???? ???t??..?.???? ?? s?µe????? S??pet???? p??spa???? ?a ß???? ?st???a ?a? de? 'µp????? te???? ?a ß????.'T????? ?a ?p?????? st?? ?st???a a??? a?t? t??? d?a?e?de? ?at?????µat???.??te,ap? a?t? t?? p?a?µat???t?ta d?µ???????? µ??? µ?a ?st???a ?e?d? ??a ?a 'µp????? 'f?s????????' ?a ?p??????..?a? ?a ep?ß??????....

Anonymous Guest 24 Dec 2015

"The modern pasnsig game orginates in Scotland,"Malcolm. I had a feeling about that :-)We lost our footballing artistry when we lost our poverty. Brazil still has it.The scary thing about the England crash is that Capello saw it coming and got a new 5 year deal before it all went wrong. The FA obviously saw it the other way ! Even I predicted a crash before a ball was kicked. The omens were there. Panic decisions and policy U turns, bad results in warm up. Rooney losing his cool etc. England have had one good team in my memory, 1990. Otherwise they have never been at the races.Now they have a choice. Keep him and be unpopular, sack him and lose a fortune.