• JMichael Piper
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  • Added 20 Aug 2012
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Living Or Just Surviving

"Are You "Living Or Just Surviving" In The Twenty- First Century? >Here Are Some Seriously Heavy Duty Thoughts To Think About...But Beware...They Might Scare You And Piss You Off At The Same Time...Maybe...Or Maybe Not...Read On And Find Out... *I have been thinking long and hard about this, but back when I was in high school (I graduated in 1981), prices were so much lower and things everywhere were so much less expensive than how they are today...it's damn evil how the greed of the executive humans who are in charge of the world today have rung up the intolerable dollar values for everything that can be bought on this planet! Back then, I felt like I was actually living a life, I mean really living. The feeling was like carefree and no worries about hoping I'll be able to pay my rent this month, and then hopefully have enough to buy food at the grocery store to feed me until the next time I would have cash in my possesion...I could go out every night with friends and have a great time after working and getting paid a paycheck that took care of all my needs and then some, but not even worrying about how much I was making. I felt properly compensated for the work I did and felt secure in whatever it was I was doing at that time...I could have been making only half of what I did and it still would've been just fine, because life was livable and easily sustainable. Even if I was short on funds, there's no worry it'll get taken care of because it always worked itself out. Trust was so easily accomodated, even with people you didn't know very well. Life was glowing with an abundance of satisfaction, and autonomy was very easy to make someone not have to count on someone else to take care of them...and even that itself was ok because almost everyone else was good with that too. **We didn't need automobile, home or business alarms, hell I never needed to lock my house up or my car up, and walking down the street even in a not-so-clean neighborhood was not a thing to fear, even at three o'clock in the morning, because things were so much safer and worryless twenty to thirty years ago and forever before that. Even in the depression era of the 1920's things worked themselves out, and that's obvious because that depression came to be a thing of the past and we learned from it and applied the lessons and survived and started living a life that was so much happier and without stress of fear of death or imprisonment. Of course there were criminals then as there always will be, but they were petty styled criminals...not the executive criminals we elect to run our government and handle our finances and who are in charge of all the utilities and banking and real estate and all upper end business of present day here in the twenty-first century and these are reasons that money has become paper and coin of evil. It's these executive criminals that have made the common criminal completely desperate and willing to kill because of the ever increasing inflation and the value of the dollar decreasing, and I know that I have not contibuted to the financial debt that this country has now, I don't make enough...the rich are the cause, but I still have to pay for them to take from me all that I love, cherish and value in this life I have now. ***Today...I feel like I'm barely surviving from month to month and paycheck to paycheck...being alive in this world at its present, basically and simply sucks...of course unless your filthy stinking rich. I want to use these words against everything evil that exists today in the year of 2012...and all that messes with my life on a daily basis....because you are either 1 of 2...the evil that should be slaughtered out of existence, or the struggling human that suffers from the greed and hands of the other one...The Executives and CEO's. ****I never had those thoughts or could even fathom what I would be dealing with from that time until now...and I even have a Master of Science Degree in Digital Technology, Multi-Media Web and Digital Design...but that doesn't mean a damn thing today to me because of the greed of the filthy stinking wealthy demons who run this planet today!! Unless they are using their wealth to make this world more livable for everyone (haven't seen or heard of any yet), they should be lined up against a wall and shot to death so it can put the rest of us out of Our Misery and we can actually live this life that all good people should. To me this is the basic ingredient that first goes in the bowl to start a recipe for having a life without worry that one day very shortly, I'm not paying more for the fuel that I put in my car, than the value of the vehicle itself...or paying $100 dollars for a gallon of milk...or buying a Snickers candy bar for fifty bucks, but you get the picture by now I know...I even feel evil and bad for having these thoughts...But, if 'God' can talk to Noah and instruct him to build an Ark then flood the planet to wipe out the bad and the evil, then 'God' says he'll never do it again, makes me feel exactly like that, for the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the filthy stinking rich! These are the humans that shame the entire human race! *****MONEY TODAY HAS ABSOLUTELY BECOME THE MASTER ROOT OF ALL THAT IS EVIL AND UNJUST IN THIS WORLD AND THE EXECUTIVES AND CEO'S WHO RUN OUR LIVES AND OUR GOVERNMENTS NEED TO BE EXPUNGED AND PUT TO DEATH FOR THEIR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE ON PLANET EARTH TODAY IN THE 21ST CENTURY! ...as usual, just my thoughts. J.Michael Piper J.Michael PiperĀ©2012 All Rights Reserved


Anonymous Guest

John Cappello 25 Aug 2012

Delightful and charming work. A Beautiful piece, Captured At A Peak moment.

Artist Reply: *Hi John! Thanks so very much for your wonderful comment! Just curious if you read what this work really stands for...it kind of makes the work the ugliest I've ever done, but that was the purpose...but there's more coming on this issue, so check it out and thank you again! And have a great week!

Karen Helsing 21 Aug 2012

I know the feeling. I'll be glad when Jesus returns. He'll judge all of humanity with perfect justice and perfect mercy.

Artist Reply: You know Karen...for 49 years I've tried to believe what you say here, yet after doing the research and an endless amount of study, I am really starting to believe that everything that has happened since the 'Big Bang' happened, has been a series of accidental random events...but this is a conversation that could span the universe to every corner and back...I wish there was something I could do about it, but my single voice is no match for the political power and corruption on this planet that needs to be wiped out...and I would be scared to death to attempt it...So...I just speak my mind within my artwork, and this kind of venting is enough for me to say that these are my views as I see them and my opinion as to how to end the kaos and pain and over-all struggle that people who are Not, wealthy beyond my measure can say and do in our own small political way! Thank you for saying something...I'm a realist and the real world needs to have done, what was done to cause a depression that would take this world back to the 1930's or so...then we could do, what our grandparents era were not intelligent enough to do...kill the government and develop a whole new way of running a country! Thanks again Karen!