• Chas Sinklier
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  • Added 03 Jan 2012
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Climer's White Christmas

Yeh we had a White Christmas – mostly b/c we drove from our place in the Hill-Country 400 miles North to a spot in Texas that had a bit-0-blizard Christmas-Eve. As we drove up that way the sky continued lowering with some flurries that sent our Hot-Country Hearts pounding. For miles our reward was nothing but patches of snow here and there as we crossed through the giant wind-generator country of the Texas Panhandle. We were beginning to lose hope of a White Christmas as we cleared Lubbock and continued Northward toward our rendezvous with Christmas dreams and surgar-plumbs. ~:0) Then it began! The sky sat right down on the Interstate as each turn of the wheel pushed us forward into the growing storm. We learned the meaning of “White-Out” as the ground, sky and very air became one continuous shade of white with individual snow- flakes visible just before striking the windshield. We’d done it! We’d found White Christmas. We had found our Eldorado in a place called Abernathy where we spent a few days remembering our Savior’s Birth – and Warm Family Tradition – including what seemed like hours of Karaoke with one of the kid’s presents. There were microphones enough for everyone and a Giant TV with the lyrics of old forgotten songs from White Christmas to Mister Roboto dancing in the warmth of the fireplace. We Had Wassail for crying out loud! Eventually, true to keeping with the old adage that after two days house-guest and fish begin to smell – we thanked and shared warm hugs and kisses with the mob that sheltered us through the storm and struck out South for warmer climes. We carried with us pressies – me with a fine cigar hand rolled at a well-known Lubbock Cigar Shop by world renowned cigar roller – Rolando Manos – what a thoughtful gift. I think ol’what’shername got a muffler – a Magna-Flo I think – all-in-all a good time was had by all and I got to drive some of the Texas Highways with 80MPH posted – Woo! Hoo! – seemed slow though in the wide-open since back home in the Never- Never we didn’t need no stinking signs – Ha! Merry Christmas one and all and tack on a Happy New Year as well – had fun making pictures with friends and family and now for some post- production and the start of a new year – God Bless Us Everyone ~:0) VivaChas!


Anonymous Guest

Karen Helsing 01 Feb 2012


Artist Reply: What a trip that was! Only place in Texas it snowed for Christmas - cool ~:0) VivaChas!

Dianna Newby 03 Jan 2012

This was a lovely read. A reminder of days gone by for me when I was singing and traveling the highways of New York state. Your description of the snow white out with the individual snow flakes showing themselves just before they hit the windshield reminded me so clearly. It use to hypnotize me and in New York we had six foot snow banks on either side of the highway to drive into as well as traffic....I really don't miss it in California. Yes the occasional snow flurry can be seen here and in the mountains even snow. Thanks for sharing Christmas and snow and you....Happy holidays....and have a blessed New Year my sweet friend. Sandiegodianna QofA

Artist Reply: Thanks Queenie - warm - fuzzy - memories for all - - - ol'what'shername almost went snow-blind staring at the vast whiteness - she couldn't stop looking at it all - she came away Christmas Morning with a "Snow-Headache" from staring at it - kinda cool when you think of it - I may have to move her Northward one day - Ha! ~:0) VivaChas!