• Chas Sinklier
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  • Added 12 Jun 2011
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Mission San Jose

Thought I’d put up another shot from the San Antonio (that’s in Texas) Missions series. These old “Fortress-Churches” from the 18th century are pretty spectacular. Like all expeditions into unknown territories discretion is the greater part of valor (valour) – best to be prepared. Enclosing the gardens and folks living at the mission was prudent back in the day just as it is today and will be in the future. Once there are valuables there are those who would come and take them and kill everyone inside – so wise move to make the housing for the instalation continuous to form the walls that keep out the ruff-boys – lesson noted ~:0) Beautiful place constantly under restoration and use by tourist, weddings and one would assume worshipers at the still functioning church. San Jose is “The Queen of the Texas Missions”. Great place to visit and the most restored of the bunch. This photo is a fave of mine b/c it accomplishes a whole wad of fun things in one picture. First, nice wide-shot of the mission inside the walls. Second, pix of folks gathered under a tree near the center – very cool. Third, caught a colleague on a photo-shoot with a blushing bride – very very cool and the framing of the foto is just what I wanted not to mention the great clouds. All-in-all a pretty fab pix if I must say so m’own self – then a nice dash of the ol’ Chas Magic and viola! – - – VivaChas! ~:0) google vivachas and see the more panoramic pix ~:0)

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

M Smith 13 Jun 2011

Such vivid colors; very pretty!

Artist Reply: Thanks - you should see the detail in the full-sized pix - really pretty - always feel free to visit VivaChas! Just google for a link and then explore ~:0)