• Peter Skov
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  • Added 18 Apr 2011
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Mist at Dawn

When I lived in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia, I used to love getting up early and driving out to some preselected site where I would hopefully capture some unfolding beauty as the sun came round to the horizon. Sullivan Station in Surrey was such a locale that I once chose to visit when I knew to expect mist at dawn. Now that I am looking through all my old photos and working on making another book with blurb.com, I have found many slides from my early days of photographing. This image here will be the table of contents page. Original image captured on Velvia 50.

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Betty Schwartz 19 Apr 2011

People often say, when looking at my paintings, "It looks like a photograph!" (Which is not really flattering.) But i must say here, "It looks like a painting - and I wish that it were mine!" Quite lovely, Peter!

Artist Reply: Betty, I always like it when people say my photographs look like paintings. It makes me feel that the quality of light and atmosphere approach the blurring zone between reality and created reality. I have seen paintings that look like photographs but once I see they are paintings it is usually anticlimactic. I think it's better to mistake a photograph for a painting than the other way round. But I will say that many of your paintings would make beautiful photographs if one could capture that same quality of light on film or digital chip. I guess with the software these days, anything is possible.