• Bruce Combs
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  • Added 20 Aug 2009
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THE RED SEA  The Beginning  with Moses

Williamsburg VA USA, 2008, acrylic on canvas, 15"x15"


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 06 Sep 2009

that is my new favorite painting! Amazing! It's just so powerful!

Artist Reply: Wow, that is a very complimentary comment, my dear Anonymous! Thank you so very much. It really lifts my spirits and encourages me to work harder and harder. Hope you come by again, Sir or Madam or madamoiselle Peace, etc., Bruce

Anneke Hut 21 Aug 2009

Wow Bruce! Great waves! I love the wonderful flowing lines. For sure a ferocious sea like this can swallow an army.

Artist Reply: Thank you, Anneke, dear, for such an encouraging comment. And yeah, a sea dividing to allow the Hebrews escape to saftey; then closing upon the enemy, is not a minor event -- nor a quiet one either, I suspect. Just imagine the noise of waves, the amazed cheers of the people; later the cries of the army! Well, I worked on this one a long time; one little piece broke off -- sticking up out of the water too far. I took it as a good omen and glued it elsewhere and painted over it again. Thank you again, my dear friend. Peace, etc., Bruce

Stefani Wehner 20 Aug 2009


Artist Reply: Oh, yes, Stefani! What a wonder to behold! Thank you so much for your encouragement. Peace, etc., Bruce