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Flying a Kite May

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MJ Mitchell 03 May 2009

Your photos put a smile on my face - I have enjoyed viewing your artistic abilities in photographer! I am glad to have found you on AW! Such a sweet presence in this photo!

Artist Reply: Yours is probably the most pleasant comment I've ever had, MJ! Thank you so much for your care and support/

Izabella Pavlushko 01 Jun 2008

In all your shots there's something more then usual portraying nature or images of people. This is what touches our souls. This work isn't exclusion. Awesome artistic work !!!!!!!!!!!!

Olga van Dijk 23 May 2008

BEAUTIFUL and relaxed atmosphere in this photo; fly, FLY, F L Y !!

Artist Reply: Thank you Olga. We all can fly but, like kites, by means of the string.

Olga Zverlina 21 May 2008

Otlichno, Nikolay! Vzgliad zritelia yskolzaet v zapredelnoe... O, my bad English... :)

Charles Jones 14 May 2008

It's May but still cool enough for jackets, eh? Not so here in TX, Nikolay. :) The parent has such a tranquil happy look. Nice family action shot.