• Carliss Mora
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  • Added 27 Mar 2007
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Gerald Levert -finished

Tried to get this one up sooner, but here it is now.

5 of 36 Comments Show All 36 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 05 Mar 2012

QcP09N I really enjoy the blog article.Thanks Again. Cool.

Fiona Robinson 06 Nov 2007

This is just too ool - love the reflection in the glasses

Artist Reply: Fiona, thank you!! It was my 4th time trying to do glasses. I decided this was the one I would try my best to make believable in a realistic way.

Sally Pulford 23 Jun 2007

Your talents for shading and blending are remarkable. They are so effective in giving detail and expression. Good work capturing the reflection on the glasses, I imagine this is difficult to do. You are very gifted and I admire how you can replicate a full smile - many have difficulty with this without making the subject look "toothy".

Artist Reply: Hi, Sally! Love the detail in your comment, as well! Thanks, so much, because it really helps me to improve!!

John Davis 16 Jun 2007

if only I could find the words to describe it, transcendent, top shelf

Artist Reply: Here is one I missed, John!! I am so glad you like some of my artwork, and comment, too! I'm sorry for being so delayed with a response. Thank you! !! I really didn't mean to ignore, so I'm glad you have come back many times since this comment.

Anonymous Guest 29 May 2007

your work is beyond brilliant !!!

Artist Reply: Hi! Anonymous Artwanted Guest!! I appreciate your enthusiasm very much! Thank you!! If you are new to ArtWanted.com, you will be further amazed at some of the super talented artists, here. If you, too are an artist, jump in, and join the crowd!!