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  • Added 26 Feb 2007
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Dark Forest Traveler

Original Size: approximately 11" x 17" Medium: Acrylics (with some colored pencil) This is a piece I recently completed that I had started a while back, but never had the time to fully finish. It is also one in a series of pictures I did with the same theme as "Friend or Foe?" (The theme is whether or not the travelers are being menaced or assisted by the secondary characters appearance behind the main character...) This scene depicts an adventurer traveling a forest notorious for it's inhabitants. Behind her is a gruesome looking beast, which I leave up to the viewer to decide whether he is traveling with her, or one of the menaces of the Dark Forest. (Personally, I think he's a menace! ;)) I hope you like it...

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Anonymous Guest

Mark Peterson 26 Jul 2007

Very beautiful work...love the colors!

julie Marks 18 Jul 2007

You certainly have an eye for beauty, especially your female figures. If I was traveling in a dark forest as a foe of this stunning, elegant and bold woman, I would choose to be her friend even if that was not my original intention. Your renderings are so beautifully executed and I love your concept of engaging the viewers with your pieces by asking if we see your characters as being friend or foe. I also love to engage the viewer by asking him to project what he sees since there are many images of my abstract photographs that I call bark art, stone art among other ambigious images. The world has become a huge Rorschach so it is fun to interact with the viewers since I am very familiar with Rorshach's original work. Your striking visions of women remind me of the work of the team Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell among other artists in that genre. I imagine you might know of these artists who draw very exotic and sensual images of strong and fascinating women. I have several books of these fantasy/mythological figures that also appear in video games, usually the rpg games where the heroine is female like Lara Croft. I am enjoying your exceptional talent and now will consider to roam dark forests at night to see if I can meet on of your exquisite women. You said there is a forest notorious for these night characters and maybe one day I can meet you there. Do they have a Starbucks?

Artist Reply: Hahahaha! I think Starbucks are everywhere these days, including the Dark Forest's of the world! ;) Thank U so much, Julie. I thoroughly enjoy your comments and appreciation of my work. I like to create a scenario and let the viewer decide the outcome. I think it tends to fuel the imagination. Btw, I enjoy Boris and Julie Bell's work a lot. I have several of their art books and collections! they are wonderful artists! Thanks again and see U at the Dark Forest Starbucks, of which my characters are regular patrons...! :D
Artist Reply: Hahahaha! I think Starbucks are everywhere these days, including the Dark Forest's of the world! ;) Thank U so much, Julie. I thoroughly enjoy your comments and appreciation of my work. I like to create a scenario and let the viewer decide the outcome. I think it tends to fuel the imagination. Btw, I enjoy Boris and Julie Bell's work a lot. I have several of their art books and collections! they are wonderful artists! Thanks again and see U at the Dark Forest Starbucks, of which my characters are regular patrons...! :D

Ted Hammond 13 Apr 2007

Beautiful work, Richard!

Artist Reply: Thanks a million, Ted! Means a lot from a fine artist as you... :)

Renata Cavanaugh 28 Feb 2007

Stunning, fabulous work Richard

Artist Reply: Thanks a ba-jillion, Renata! Most appreciated... :)

Leah Jaarveth 27 Feb 2007

really really nice work!!!

Artist Reply: Much appreciation, Leah! Thanks! :)