• Hector Rios - Arternatives
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  • Added 05 Oct 2006
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DR. KING'S REPUTATION - various painted portraits

CASE ANALYSIS: Just last week, I had a liberal young person write me and state that she thought; "Rev. / Dr. Martin Luther King Junior was an hypocrite who lived a double standard, and that she preferred to respect a different type of cultural world leader..." I was taken back by surprise with this statement and my first reaction was to completely form a retaliatory and fact based response to her... Then, I immediately decided not to. I thought about the greatness and humanness of this phenomenal individual and Baptist preacher who I believe was used of God in such an unprecedented and valient way through the corridors of our American and world history. His character, diplomacy, strength, vocalized veredictions, unselfish wife and family, and ultimate benevolent bravery... speaks climactic and precise volumes to this very day and era and needs absolutely no advocacy in order to justify any point from me. I love taking my children to museums and libraries and viewing documented footage or photographs of this respectable and revelatory man. I am also aware of the direct slandering and threats that he and his loved ones received during the years of this prevailant struggle and inexplicable injustice induced stress. I am also aware through reading and viewing chronicled reports of his unimaginably effective "Modus Operandi" inspite of unpopular gestures and methods from his own peers, predecessors and prognasticators. Dr. King's legacy, leadership and life impact went far beyond Noble Peace Prizes and today still vividly lives within millions of our current minds, hearts and educational tabletures.-----------------------------These are some samples of acrylic paintings and a mural I have completed in honor of MLKJ in Los Angeles proper. The bottom posted monochromatic portraiture of Him and his son Dexter was a private commission which was hand painted and generated on a 4ft X 3.5 ft canvas. I also applied an actual newspaper frontcover article that finished and enveloped the concept more graphically and "reality based" respectably. H Rios (213) 435-9611

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