• Carliss Mora
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  • Added 19 Jun 2006
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CertainFaces IV-B - Hurricane

Still trying to crack the color code. If y ou make a mistake it is hard to fix with color pencil. As I have written, I will not put anymore color pics in the regular portrait section until I think it looks good enough to me. Unhappily, I have to admit, I am not ready yet. Here he attends the Hurricane game.

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Kerra Lindsey 23 Aug 2007

Blending color can be tricky for sure--you're not alone on that one. Sometimes making a 'mistake' is really anything but--you learn what 'not' to do and that is sometimes more important! Keep up the great work. :) -Kerra

Artist Reply: Thanks, Kerra! Color pencils, especially, were giving me a fit. On occasion, I venture out, again, to make color artworks happen. I'll probably sign up for a class.

Terry Harris 23 Jul 2006

COlor pencils take a long time to do, especially the skin tones. I like the way your skill is progressing. I use a scrap paper to try color blends before using it on the real work. Saves me some boo boos. If you goof with penscils, you can do a few things to fix it. One is to use water color pencils and paint to blens te color out or even lift off the color. I also have scanned a work, cut out the boo boo area, and printed out and reworked over the print. I have cut out the work that was good and collaged it or made a layered work-it gave some aded deminsion to it. If necesary, I could cut up the work and make a collage, or montage out of it. Amazing what can be done after a boo boo. I can not work much with pencils now. My hands hurt too much and it flares up problems. I stick with the Wacom tablet and sylus to save my hands from pain. Love this work!

Artist Reply: Terry, Hi! Your remedies are ingenious! I find myself being so frustrated after working so hard, then messing it up, just takes all my patience away. I will try doing things you have suggested, next time. Thank you so much for your comment and suggestions! Not to make light of your situation, but, let's just say, your hands, my feet. What gives?? LOL! Sad states of affairs, to be sure.

Anonymous Guest 26 Jun 2006

On this one..I really like the penciled in drawing better. Just love the new hair style..very hot!

Artist Reply: Guest! I am in the process of trying to be more skilled with the color portraits. It is proving to be not an easy skill to learn, for me! Thank you, though for commenting!
Artist Reply: Yes, this hairstyle makes quite a difference, and pencil is my strongest media. Trying to expand a bit, and thank so much for your visit!!

karen bellows 26 Jun 2006

Cezanne...the color is coming right along!! But I fear I will always be partial to the pencil sketches... You continue to do works that impress! Nice job.

Artist Reply: Yes, I know I need more experience, but you know this particular picture in the comic section, has had me in the top ten for days!! must be funny, huh?

Anonymous Guest 25 Jun 2006

I love the long hair. you captured him well. We need more eyes and less bangs tee hee. And he out to where some glasses, just for me haha hugs form Roman 1