• Cristina Marsi
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  • Image 203 of 278
  • Added 16 Jun 2006
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I did this fot a collegue who is going to retire in a couple of weeks. The baby is her grandson. Conte pencils and sticks on Ingres ash grey paper. 24*32 cm.

5 of 31 Comments Show All 31 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Mark Saxton 11 May 2008

hilariously cute.

Kerra Lindsey 15 Dec 2006

It reminds me of 'those times' when the little ones get startled and start cracking themselves up so bad they turn beat red and can hardly breath...the chin is fabulous! -Kerra

Maurizio Miele 21 Aug 2006

great work --Maurizio Miele

Mary Janosik 23 Jun 2006

A real treasure for us as well as the receiving Grandmother. Great job!! :)

tim linville 18 Jun 2006

Nice human study work,Christina!You seem to be a very busy artist:)Good to see you still creating new work!