• Terry Gilecki
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  • Added 05 Mar 2012
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14 x 48 Canvas. Making a change... Even small or mildly significant ones can be satisfying... but straying too far from my comfort zone can be a bit of a struggle for me sometimes. Fine Art 101 teaches us that making changes and taking risks is important to making good art. We are also warned that getting too comfortable with the art we make can lead to complacency and possibly... our art getting stale. Yet, that same good advice has the intention to help you "find yourself" as an artist, to discover and lay claim to that unique character and identity you can call your own. So... how and when did it become complacent and stale? I spent a good part of my art career taking risks before I found myself and I sure don't feel like losing myself at this stage of the game. The way I see it... If you have been so fortunate to carve out a niche and an identity and come to the point where you feel you must make drastic change for the sake of change alone, you may want to reconsider abandoning what you were so fortunate to have found. I think the day comes in every artists life when you no longer trust the path you are on. However, ending further exploration on the path we first found our inspiration and ourselves, could cut short what may have become a very satisfying, long and rewarding journey . So the way I see it, it is the artist that becomes complacent and stale, not the art. Emmersing oneself in even the most simple of subjects eventually exposes an entire world to explore and more important... the infinite dimensions it connects to. Truth is, we may never know what was around the next bend on any path that we do not continue to explore. It should be our instincts that guide us. How far they lead us is only limited by our imagination and our faith and trust in our instincts and intuition. For me, after numerous periods of doubt I found alternatives to satisfy the urge to paint "outside of the box" I have put so much effort into building. For now, (at least until I am drawn into a new inspiration) I have discovered there is still so much more to see and explore by simply changing the shape of the box... from the inside. The Original is Sold. Limited Edition prints are Available.

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