• Ben Vienerius
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  • Image 274 of 519
  • Added 25 Jul 2010
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The Dancing of the Cranes

A lot of times addressed as woman
I wrote my poetry in my life
How can a guy here show what’s feeling
with all the words he did here write?
I gave those thoughts a long… long time
It’s just my brain that turns around
and when the letters are good mixed
my newest poem is there been found
They are the thoughts about my thinking
for what I see and feel inside
It maybe sound that’s sometimes missing
It might be also my survive


5 of 15 Comments Show All 15 Comments

Anonymous Guest

John Cappello 10 Nov 2014

You've captured the essence of the place! So Astoundingly Realistic you want to step into!

Artist Reply: Thanks for the nice comment my friend.

Anne Whiteway 08 Aug 2014

I'm always in awe of your work Ben. The poetry with this is touching and meaningful to me. Your artwork is amazing & I will come back soon to comment more.

Artist Reply: Thank you very much ;)

Patricia Griffin Brett 17 Jun 2012

Excellent piece of work! :) You are so talented!

Artist Reply: I don't call it talented Patricia. It's a way of life I am living.

Steve Kelly 28 Mar 2011

Hi Ben! I was totally horrified to read the anonymous guest comment on this work. To say that you are not a real 3D artist because of the software you use is total rubbish and absolutely unprofessional. Any artist should be judged on what they can achieve with the tools that are available to them. It is the same as judging someones painting by the type of paint or brush they use rather than the results. There will always be things we can do better but I think you've done a great job with this image and I am an artist and art teacher not a software salesman.

Artist Reply: Hi Steve, first of all these people should know that if they are commenting this way, they need to step backwards, where they once started. When I read the program this person mentioned it would be next to my poser pro which is a 500$ program, maya which is 3495$, Cinema 4Dcompleet about 6000$, 3Dmax which is 3495$ and Z-Brush for a 699$. I wished I could afford these programs and work with them.This is not a critic but a showing off. I am glad with my programs and my poetry I make. If he is happy in his life? I doubt :). Thank you for your comment Steve.

Anonymous Guest 19 Aug 2010

Watch your depth; there is no depth in your work... Also your work lacks shadow; pay more attention to these points. And remember; Using Poser characters means your NOT a real 3D artist. Try modeling/UV-mapping/texturing/Rigging your own characters and props using proper 3D applications like Maya, C4D, Max, Z-Brush etc. About me; I'm a professional working 3D artist trying to help amateur and beginning artists to give them positive feedback to become better in their field. I like to stay anonymous.

Artist Reply: I always love a good comment. As a pro you know how much we selfbuilded artist need to invest in programs. I am an amateur and that does mean, that my eyes look different than yours. Maya, Max, C4D and Z-Brush are programs I worked in trialware, but to expensive to buy all. So we all have to make choises to possibillitys we have.