• Cara Bevan
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  • Added 27 Sep 2009
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Deadly Details

When I first started painting “Deadly Details” I only thought it was a pretty picture, but then I began to wonder, “Why do we dislike snakes?” There are many logical reasons for why the majority of society is afraid of them. Snakes are in the Bible and have close relations to the Devil, dragons that created fear came from snakes, Hollywood has used them often in movies, and so on. Other than the most common thoughts, are there deeper reasons we fear them? Let’s ignore all religious and story references for a minute. Snakes are strange creatures; in many ways they are opposite from us. We do everything with our hands and feet, but snakes don’t have limbs. We are warm blooded, and yet they are cold blooded. Snakes have scaly armor, we are vulnerable and fleshy. Snakes swallow their prey whole while we have to chew our food. They are very different from us, but that’s not the only reason they cause fear. Ever since man came to be snakes had to be avoided. In the past there was no such thing as antivenom, so if you were bitten by one your relatives were already planning your funeral. Many snakes are venomous and they are hard to tell apart, so it makes sense that our ancestors learned to avoid them. This caution just might be what has created our fears today. Stories have been passed down to be aware of snakes, but we distort this respect into fear and hatred. If you fear snakes or know someone that does, think about why. Snakes may be strange and intimidating, but they are no scarier than some of us. Be respectful of all snakes, for their beauty and usefulness in our world. “Deadly Details” 11x14 inch canvas. Acrylic. © Cara Bevan


Anonymous Guest

Alexandra Sloan 19 Mar 2011

I love snakes, they really can be very sweet. Especially red tailed boas they are quite snuggly.

Mary-Lee Sanders 20 Feb 2010

What amazing details. Very well done what talent!

Kayleigh Sampson 19 Dec 2009

wow can i ask how long did this take you the detail is amazing

sten struikenkamp 28 Sep 2009

Beautiful creation! WE are the deadly creatures!

artistinthecountry 27 Sep 2009

This is excellent and you are right we need snakes in the eco system. this was so good I thought at first it was a photograph. good work!!!lee

Maria Anna Machado 27 Sep 2009