• Rezo Kaishauri
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  • Added 26 Sep 2009
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The Mornings After: Monday

The idea of a series of nude drawings came to me last summer, when I was in our Surami cottage with Diana, just before the August War. It was a beautiful morning, and Diana was even more beautiful, lying in the bed, half-awoken and naked, with her long amber hair flowing like a river. Such mornings, after a long night of passion, are always delightful, even if it's raining outside.

Enjoying the breathtaking view, I remembered a song by Lacrimosa, "Der Morgen danach" -- and quite appropriately, because it means "The Morning After." I immediately pictured a series of "morning drawings," made on a toned pastel paper, possibly with sanguine or some other sepia medium. The drawings, as I imagined, had to be seven in number -- one for each day of week -- and the title of the series would be, of course, The Mornings After...

To read the full story, click here. As a short resume: The artwork is made on CANSON pastel paper (toothed side) mostly with Gioconda 6 sepia leads, while the finer details and darker parts were rendered with LYRA Super Ferby dark brown pencil. Sanguine and chalk have also been used.

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Anonymous Guest

Ramaz Razmadze 28 Feb 2011


stewart pawley 04 Oct 2009

Beautiful work Rezo!

Renata Cavanaugh 30 Sep 2009


sten struikenkamp 27 Sep 2009

Beautiful work!

Anneke Hut 27 Sep 2009

I agree with Chas, your drawing sure could hang there! Wonderful shading, Rezo.