• Chas Sinklier
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  • Added 21 Sep 2009
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Cash for Clunkers ~:0)

Cash for Clunkers - Just Do The Blinking Math! ~:0) Hey World - You're gonna love this one from the Former United States - It's my understanding that the New Regime's "Cash-For-Clunkers" Automobile Trade in Program designed to convince Americans to buy more fuel efficient rides went something like this... Trade in a clunker (read as - any car that gets less than a bazillion mpg) on a new car and the U.S. Government gives the buyer about $4500 U.S.Dollars toward the transaction. What that can mean for fuel economy should run something along these lines - A car that drives about 12,000 miles per year uses 800 gallons of gazoline at 15 miles per gallon. - - - - Now a car that drives 12,000 miles in a year at 25 miles per gallon uses about 480 gallons. So that means that the average Cash-For-Clunkers deal recently paid by U.S.S.A. taxpayers made a difference of 320 gallons of gazoline used in a year by each car sold in that timeframe. - - - - Okay, stay with me now - the American Government claims that 700,000 cars were traded in for a better milage model saving a grand total of 224 Million Gallons in a Year. It takes about 5 millions of barrels of oil to produce that amount of Gaz - and 5 million barrels of oil works out to be about 6 hours of the Gazoline consumed in a single day in the States. That means they saved enough Gaz to run all the cars for about one quarter of a single day... Now for more theatre of the Absurd - 5 million barrels of crude goes for about $350 Million U.S. Dollars if your getting a barrel for $75 U.S.D.s per. - - - - - So I reckon the Yanks spent $3 Billion U.S.Dollars to save $350 Million U.S.Dollars... And they call us out here in the Northern Territories Dumb - Ha! Good Work Yanks - the Whole World is Watching ( Oh, and BTW - all those "Clunkers" traded in - yeah well the U.S. Government made the Car Dealers ruin the engines on those autos so they couldn't be used by anyone - not anywhere - Blimey!!! (we still love ya though Yanks even though yer minds have completely gone ) ~:0)

5 of 7 Comments Show All 7 Comments

Anonymous Guest

John Cappello 22 Mar 2016

This has exciting intensity. Marvelous creativity & pleasing colors

Artist Reply: Thanks John! - I'm all about exciting Intensity! ~;0) VivaChas Hot Rod Stories!!!

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 11 Nov 2009

oh this car, this story, this Chas creation, you are JUST GREAT!

Artist Reply: Thanks Nelly - the car in the pix is the world's fastest production sports car - it would be crazy to trade one of those in for a Prius - Ha! - Crazy times ~:0)

Anonymous Guest 22 Sep 2009

No wonder they have to ship in math people from other countries ha ha ha.

Artist Reply: Ha! Anon - UR making the rounds I see - It's a sad, sad tale shouted into the Wind - there are those who will not see ~:0)

jamie winter 21 Sep 2009

Wow Chas this is a mind blower. just excellent. awesome

Artist Reply: Thanks Jamie - I know there's supposed to be more benefits than just mileage in the Clunkers thing, but no way is it anything other than a mad ruse - math is nobody's forte so it's easy to slide one by when it comes to "FREE" taxpayer money - Ha! You should see some of the crazy stuff they're pulling over here ~:0)

Dianna Newby 21 Sep 2009

Hey Chas, that is some math lesson yanks aren't will to do i guess. the Truth they crushed all of the cars after they stripped off all of the useable parts...still you are correct about it all..most of us yanks are really like sheep and just do as they are asked iff it means money in their pocket.... although we want the world to think we are sophisticated and will argure about everything....still i love your work....even if i am American.....keep it up.... well done, Chas.

Artist Reply: Hey Dianna - don't buy into that apologizing for being an American bit they're doing of late - you should see the rest of the world queue up for their bread and circuses - we're all peas in a pod, but uniquely loved by God - and that's a good thing ~:0)