• Cara Bevan
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  • Added 31 Aug 2009
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I am very passionate towards all animals, but I’m particularly close to cats. In the hopes to paint portraits of all my cats (currently there’s twenty of them), I painted “Comet.” Comet is the brother of Furby, the cat in my very first painting. This male, orange, American shorthaired feline is a mischievous one. He is very friendly and very kind, but he’s extremely attention hungry. He wants to be everywhere you are, and he’ll pursue you relentlessly to do that. Comet belongs to my sister, Amber, but he’ll interrupt anyone in our family for a little love. When you’re reading the newspaper, he wants to be on it. When you’re typing on the computer, he wants to sit in your lap or on the keyboard itself. He demands to drink water not out of a specifically made water fountain, but a bathroom sink instead. He’ll carry a wide array of toys across the house to us for a little recognition and he’s so adorable when he does it! To go along with his boisterous attitude is his wide mouthed meow. He’s definitely a loud cat, mewing with his mouth as wide as he can. And when he’s bored with us and his toys, Comet will pick on his much more timid brother. We’ve broken apart many fights between them, but it’s not to harm; they just play rough as all boys do. When Comet is done running around and he’s tired, he’ll lie down as innocent as an angel and give you wide, hypnotizing eyes. I painted Comet in that rare moment between play times (he has just finished chewing on the Christmas tree in the background!) In a few moments he’ll spring to life once more and begin his play all over again. “Comet” 18x24 inch canvas. Acrylic. © Cara Bevan

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Alexandra Sloan 19 Mar 2011

Awwww, he's so cute! I hope I can paint cats as well as you some day.

Mary-Lee Sanders 20 Feb 2010

Beautiful! I love all your paintings they are well done congratulations!

Victoriya Shishkina 08 Dec 2009

I love those eyes!!!!

Cheri Laffre Stewart 10 Sep 2009

Wow, what a wonderful writeup of an obviously awesome kitty

Lynn De Serres 01 Sep 2009

Truly magnificent artwork. Cats make wonderful subjects for artwork, and Comet is a particularly fine subject. Looking forward to seeing your upcoming artwork of cats.