• Cibeles Jolivette Gonzalez
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  • Added 21 May 2009
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Rabbi Hillel/ El Rabino Hillel

Rabbi Hillel was a remarkable man. He lived 120 years from 110 BCE to 10 CE. He was born in Babylon and came to Israel at the age of forty. He spent forty years studying Torah, and the last 40 years of his life was spent as spiritual head of the Jewish people. When Hillel died Yeshua (Jesus) would have been a teenager, so He must have known about and respected Hillel. Hillel's most famous sayings are 1)"If I am not for myself, who will be for me?" 2) " If I am only for myself, then what am I ?" 3) "And if not now, when?" Here I painted Rabbi Hillel in his later years explaining Torah to an inquisitive man.

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Sharon Gonzalez 21 May 2009


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