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©Seth F. Weaver, Sr. 04/25/09. An old photo inspired this marker drawing that was run through Photoshop™. This is one of my favorite themes living in the Southeastern USA. The hard struggle against the hard hot weather and the unforgiving land. A heritage of hard living. A DigyMix™ creation.


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Hasmig Mouradian 28 Apr 2009

wow My Big Brother, ahhh you have a great touch in all your drawings, I feel I am in your drawings, so beautiful, how are you Grandpa? How is the "Newest Flower"? xoxoxoxo Hasmig

Artist Reply: Hi, Little Sister it is so good to hear from you! I'm glad you liked this work. All is fine with me, my granddaughter is doing well. She hasn't learned to sleep much at night yet. How's your health, dear Little Sister? You are always in my prayers!!

Regina Coeli deWinter 27 Apr 2009

Really well done...eye-catching and enchanting, Seth.

Artist Reply: Much appreciated Regina.

Vanessa Holmstrand 27 Apr 2009

Gorgeous work! Fantastic composition! I love the space and depth in this piece. Just awesome, Dad. Do more like this!!!

Artist Reply: I was inspired by an old photo and I tried to make this have an aquatint look and feel. This is a very simple drawing that was "DigyMixed" by me. I'm so proud that you liked this work, my darling daughter. Love You...Dadio!

Armando Salas 27 Apr 2009

First I thought it was a brush work. Brilliant drawing, Seth

Artist Reply: Deeply appreciated Armando. I was trying to give this marker drawing an aquatint look and feel.

Robin Foss 27 Apr 2009

Very well done.

Artist Reply: Always appreciated Robin.

jamie winter 27 Apr 2009

again you produce a true piece of traditional art with stunning composition and style. i have had a hard time choosing between your two works today for pic of the day and have chosen this one and it is not because it is better than the other piece you shared with us. love to you and yours. jamie

Artist Reply: Thank you precious Jamie for this honor. I really appreciate your art and your comments. A thousand thank yous!

Julia Scorupsky 27 Apr 2009

Another wonderful drawing! Very nicely done!!!!!

Artist Reply: Deeply appreciated dear Julia.

Kovács János 26 Apr 2009

wonderful work, Seth!

Artist Reply: Thank you Jancsi.