• John Quandt
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  • Added 01 Mar 2009
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A friend of mine, Christina, had rented a house that happened to be inhabited by at least 9 other entities other than her and her daughters. I had come by one evening, she had agreed to do a tarot reading for me so the lighting was dim, just a few candles were burning as she prepared. I was watching her and noticed this faint, yet distinct golden 'mist' just behind her head. Focussing did no good, the image became blurry. Image it was, of a man, presumably English [as far as I was concerned], a rather long face with a receding hair line almost to the point of being bald, suit coat, white shirt and tie; all just behind her by 12 inches or so. I mentioned this and she answered, without surprise, that there were a number of these around the house. The people in UCLA's paranormal department had come out to investigate the phenomena and found there were at least nine separate entities within the household, none of them were malevolent, just playful as I was to find out several months later. But that is a different story for another day. copyright 2009 dJohnn prints available without watermarking, send me a note

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