• Kana
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  • Image 20 of 24
  • Added 29 Feb 2004
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kana-chan (But not me...kinda)

This is my rp chara Kana, cause in case you didn't know, my name isn't really kana. Its based on the kinda stuff I'd LIKE to wear but many things keep me from dressing like this, I wont get into it. kana (C) kana ^^


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 01 Mar 2004

(btw, these comments are me, kana. I'm just too lazy to sign in)

Anonymous Guest 01 Mar 2004

no, the hips were my fault... I screwed up x.x

Sami Imas 01 Mar 2004

O_O So awesome... *-* It's been said, but I just love her outfit! It's so cool... Her left arm is posed a bit strangely, though that might just be 'cause of my stupid contacts. The waist is also a bit small, but that's probably just a matter of drawing style, so it doesn't count. This is really awesome. ^_^ Keep up the good work!

Bubba Merritt 01 Mar 2004

COOOL!!! :D Thanks for the support earlier Kana, I'm sorry for not commenting more, great as your artwork is Kana. n.n Wicked wardrobe designand way cool pencil sketching skills too..... Aghh!! I envy your handwriting and kanji skillz O.o