• Barry Wald
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  • Added 14 Sep 2008
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Emergence II

12" X 16" Oil on Canvas Painting. Part of my Emergence series. It was painted on Nov. '06. Here I have a man emerging out from some kind of organic material, almost like a blossoming flower. His face is painted blue, the color of the sky which has spiritual connotations. I remember reading about Yves Klein, a.k.a. Monochromatic Yves, and his obsession with blue. He actually created his own blue. It was known as International Klein Blue. He felt that his blue color had the power to attract a spirit from beyond the planet earth. He saw himself as a priest and he prayed before his exhibitions that his audience would be "impregnated" with this otherworldly spirit. He believed in a future where we would each have the power to transcend the physical and everyone would be able to leave their bodies and travel around as they pleased. His parents were both painters. His mother was very influenced by Kandinsky. Kandinsky believed that blue represented the spirit. The Hindus often represent their gods as blue in color. This painting represents growth and emergence and even though the subject is a physical presence, he is imbued with a new spirit. This emergence is a kind of new birth, new beginning. His eyes are closed because he doesn't yet know where he is going. He is just now emerging into his new sense of being. 12" X 16" Oil on Canvas Painting. Part of my Emergence series. It was painted in Nov. '06. Here I have a man emerging out from some kind of organic material, almost like a blossoming flower. His face is painted blue, the color of the sky which has spiritual connotations. I remember reading about Yves Klein, a.k.a. Monochromatic Yves, and his obsession with blue. He actually created his own blue. It was known as International Klein Blue. He felt that his blue color had the power to attract a spirit from beyond the planet earth. He saw himself as a priest and he prayed before his exhibitions that his audience would be "impregnated" with this otherworldly spirit. He believed in a future where we would each have the power to transcend the physical and everyone would be able to leave their bodies and travel around as they pleased. His parents were both painters. His mother was very influenced by Kandinsky. Kandinsky believed that blue represented the spirit. The Hindus often represent their gods as blue in color. This painting represents growth and emergence and even though the subject is a physical presence, he is imbued with a new spirit. This emergence is a kind of new birth, new beginning. His eyes are closed because he doesn't yet know where he is going. He is just now emerging into his new sense of being.

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