• Sharon De Vore
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  • Added 27 Jun 2008
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Hole in My Heart  Qtip #3

I had my Qtip 19 years.And this was the last of several poems I wrote about him and paintings I painted of him. This is an acrylic painting I painted, "Qtip #3" and a poem, "Hole in My Heart", I combined to create this inspirational piece. Hope you enjoy! The second photo is Qtip's grave. ..................................... Now I have a very big hole in my heart; My life is now missing an important part. I feel this loss more than anyone can know. I guess it's because we loved each other so. He scampers through dreams so I see him at night. By day I feel him; so I know he's alright. No longer can I put my face in his hair, to give us comfort and to show him I care. No longer can I feel his warmth in my arms. They are now empty, and I'm without his charms. No longer do I hear his sweet meow. Yes, his soft raspy voice is silent now. I miss my Qtip so terribly, for sure. He was so wonderful and his love so pure. In every room I still feel his presence, yet my longing for him is very intense. I expect to see his cheery face each day. Yes, I am disappointed in ev'ry way. I know I will be without him each morn. And,oh how, that makes me feel so forlorn. Though he's not beside me when I go to bed, his presence is still very much in my head. My heart feels such pain,and without him I ache. He'll never again be here when I awake. I try to put cheery thoughts in my head, but thoughts of Qtip still creep in instead. Sometimes I feel that I still hear his meow. One time it was music, but it is cruel now. Words that were special to him I used to say. Now even My voice is silent in my day. Yet words in my head and the song in my heart still sing lovely music to what has depart. Qtip has left me sweet memories to live over and over for all he did give. In all of my dreams Qtip still plays a part. Yes, to help to fill this big hole in my heart.

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Shannon Slaydon 11 Jul 2010

So this is the famous Q-Tip I've heard so much about, Sharon! What a beautiful and moving tribute! I know exactly how you must feel about losing a devoted pet that you love so much!

Ginger Lovellette 27 Mar 2010

Lovely and moving tribute!

karen Salley'Rice 25 Feb 2010

What a lovely heart-felt tribute, I admire your passion and the strength it took to express your feelings in this wonderful memorial. xoxo karen

Delores Knowles 26 Nov 2009

I love this -- both image and words. It's a year ago this month that we lost our beloved will pomeranian. I can still hear his nails as he walks across the kitchen floor.

Sharon Lee 12 Aug 2008

Sharon, I know "that hole". I just lost my beautiful Pudge Boy, my little pomeranian who was 17 years. But what helps me is that I try to remember that God allowed me to hold him for 17 years, and I am so greateful for every second of his little life! God Bless you. Sharon