• Wolfgang Schweizer
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  • Added 06 Apr 2008
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Orpheus and Eurydike

Acrylics on canvas, 20x24 inch, abouth the ancient Greek myth of the singer Orpheus going to the underworld to get his dead wife Eurydike back from the underworld gods. He sings so beautiful, that they allow her to come with behind him, but he i s not allowed to turn around. He does it anyways, and she is disappearing forever in the darkness. The Italian Renaissance composer Claudio Monteverdi wrote one of the first operas at all about the myth, and the painting is inspired by this opera. The golden curve in the mid shall be the singing of Orpheus in the underworld, by which he touched the gods of the Hades to give him back his wife. Right down the green is the beginning, when Eurydike plays funny games in grass and is bit by a snake to death.the golden circle is her moving to the underworld. The two large figures on the side right are Hades and Persephone, the gods, listening to the singing and harp playing of Orpheus. The golden circle in the mid down is Orpheus, singing. The red waves left down is the river full of blood, in which his head swims to the island Lesbos, after the wild women had killed him on the Thrakien fields. The golden circle above is Orpheus moving towards the nightsky, where he is put by his father Apollo with his wife to shine at night together.

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